Fenton Hotel

tavern & grille

The Fenton Hotel Tavern & Grille stands solid and hospitable, greeting hungry patrons as it did when it was first built while the railroads came to Fenton in 1856. We feature a daily menu with a variety of delicious food including Fresh Fish, Savory Steaks, Gourmet Pizza,  and more. Also, the only piano bar with live entertainment in the Fenton area.

2024/ 2025 Piano Bar Entertainment Schedule

Wednesday | 6-10pm

January: Jason Waggoner

February: Lucas Novak

Thursday | 6-10pm

January: Steve Taylor 2nd, 9th & 30th

January:: Sean Caldwell 16th & 23rd

February: Julie Haven

Friday and Saturday | 7:30 - 11:30 p

January: VanHaven 3 | 4 10 | 11

January: Fox & The Fiddle 17 | 18 24 | 25

January 31st & February 1st: Sean Caldwell & Friends

February: Pinter Whitnick 7th & 8th

February: Madison Olivia 14 | 15 21 | 22

February 28th & March 1st: Sean Caldwell & Friends